I really like monochrome.

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en-ge's News

Posted by en-ge - 4 hours ago

Whoop-dee-doo, I did finally finish Mehraj, which is a door slammed shut on another long-standing gestalt. That said, besides him and those other two there's a whole bunch of others I've sketched out in a similar style and wanted to make into a nice monochrom-y illustration series, suitable for turning into a neat little artbook (with accompanying short stories) I could print out and put on a shelf. 

Will I do it though?

Maybe? How it usually goes with ideas like these, is at some point one realises just how unfeasible the scope of what's planned is, and the whole thing then just meanders in "development hell" for years and years. In this case, that phase has already come to pass in an earlier, much milder iteration of the idea, one that didn't involve multiple standalone illustrations.

I suppose I owe it to there never being any kind of real, grandiose hype or pressure regarding these, or, in truth, my art in general. No monetary incentive, barely any outside motivation. Lack of widespread popularity and attention can be disheartening in this day and age of instant gratification, but it's also a blessing, as you just roll with your new and finally finished work being... well, just another picture, appreciated by a small number of those who (hopefully) like the make of it, and not solely the subject matter.

Anyway, time to go to work and then come back and play videogames without thinking about how closer you've gotten to finishing the artwork this morning, if at all.

The picture below is missing, like, a dozen more girls relating to the demiurge on the central right. Big lul @ this actually having structure and lore.




Posted by en-ge - June 29th, 2024

I set up the supporter thing on Boosty (my options here are expectedly limited), yeah.

To be completely I honest, I have doubts it'll garner any serious interest - my stuff's been hardly popular even in my most "stick to the source" fanartin' days, and I'm not one to actively peddle it around regardless, but hey, if you want to throw a coin my way, it's there. Finished works I'll still post here since I like the way Newgrounds is laid out.

Edit: scratch that, I need to properly figure out what exactly I want to throw in there - too much of a discrepancy between OCs and fan-stuff. But do let me know if you want to shower me with money.

As of now, I'm working on the next girl in the set Aranne belongs to.


Speaking of "the set", it's more or less a collection of... not pin-up, but illustration-like posters sharing a common theme - the whole "pretty lady / ugly dude monster" thing + a couple of other ideas. There's over a couple dozen of them planned and sketched to a degree, and while I don't realistically expect to finish them all, they do at least serve as a plan of sorts. Moreso because it's squarely in my comfort zone, and something to fall back on.

Beyond that, I have touched up Aranne herself a tad, but at this point I'm still not really sure where it's all going - maybe I'll refine it more, maybe I'll call it in and update the artwork here, maybe I'll keep it simmering some more and come up with a different use for the piece.


That's it for the originals. One of the reasons they don't come out as fast is that there were some crusty fanart sketches in the meantime, but those are neither here nor there and don't fit this particular page to begin with.